Thursday, June 20, 2013

Go Reds!

Pool tricks!

Adelyn was evaluated by her swim instructor who concluded that she was a strong enough swimmer to handle the diving board (something that she has wanted to try since swim lessons started!), she couldn't stay off it :)  OH, and Bryn had her first with the rock climbing wall!  They have had the best time this year since they are both tall enough and good swimmers...between the slides, diving board, rock wall, and just swimming, time sure does fly when we are at the pool! Check out the pics and the videos!


Monday, June 17, 2013

Brynleigh's Birthday Celebration!

We quickly threw together a party after Bryn's tee ball game, and boy was it fun!  Bryn picked out an OREO BLIZZARD icecream cake and it was so tasty!  And playing at the park was a fun time for all the girls :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Swim Lessons

Another year for swim lessons!  The girls are getting really confident (Ady is, Bryn really never has an issue in this department) and are becoming strong swimmers (I'd say mostly Bryn, but Ady is trying!).  I really enjoy watching them learn from their instructors and work hard at becoming better :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

On to 1st grade!

Well, Kindergarten came and went like a feather in the breeze. Bryn completed her first year of school and LOVED it!  Her teacher had many outdoor activities planned for the final day of she had to take a beach towel, pack a lunch, wear play clothes, and put on sunscreen.  And Bryn followed all of the instructions given to her :)  Bryn said she didn't cry, but was sad that school was over and she will miss her teacher.  Now, when does the pool open?!! :)