Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sound bucket, again!

Today was another big day at preschool! Bryn had another turn with the sound bucket. This time, the letter assigned was "N". She practiced really hard at speaking loud and clear, so I decided I would let her tell you what we found to share with her class!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

You gotta kiss the girl...

Bryn's new interest is in The Little Mermaid and today I let her watch some of the video in the car on our way home from Preschool. With her headphones on, she didn't know how loud she was...but she was jammin to this song! So, this afternoon I took a break from starting our taxes, and pulled up the video to this song on YouTube. I quickly grabbed the camera to catch this rockin performance! :D

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy 3 1/2 Birthday!

Miss Nancy sent home a newsletter explaining that since many of the children have summer birthdays, we could celebrate their half birthdays. So, I jumped on board and signed up to celebrate Bryn's 3 1/2 birthday today! We spent most of yesterday afternoon preparing our snack (which was originally heart shaped brownies, but ended up just cutting squares...long story). We made yummy brownies with vanilla frosting and Valentine's M&M's sprinkled on top! Miss Karen made her a PINK crown to wear, her class sang "Happy Birthday", and the kids all devoured their special snack. What fun!

Friday, January 8, 2010

First snow day of 2010

Well, school was canceled today. Even though we accumulated around 5 inches of snow, we are convinced that the schools canceled due to the cold temps. With a wind chill at 0 and below...we won't be taking the kids out to play in the snow today. So, instead we decided to have arts & crafts! What a great day to make a mess! :D

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dad's Cheerleaders!

enough said! Go LIONS! :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Bryn's big girl bed!

Our little girl has just gotten soooo much bigger! The little toddler bed was getting much too small for Bryn and Kyle felt it was time to purchase bigger mattresses. So, we loaded up and visited a couple stores to test some mattresses. Bryn explained (to us and everyone that would listen) that her covers were too short for her feet and needed to get a bigger bed...which doesn't even make sense, but still...she had a reason for getting big. So, with her approval, we made the purchase and today they were delivered! I shopped and washed up all the new fixings and here you have it...

Merry Christmas!

Christmas break came and went faster than any year past. We were very busy preparing for Santa to come, visiting the lights at the zoo, and singing Frosty the Snowman. The kids were a real treat and for the first time, Bryn excitingly anticipated the arrival of Christmas.

Zoo Lights 2009

Christmas Eve (after Santa's visit)

Ady with her Kitchen!

Bryn with her Tinkerbell umbrella!