Monday, January 23, 2012

Someone is the LEADER today!

Both my children love to be the leader in their class at preschool, but Bryn REALLY loves it and looks forward to it. I am sure to make it a special day and allow her to wear anything she wants (always a dress!)...this is the outfit she chose. Oh, and she even gets cinnamon rolls for breakfast, her favorite! What a great way to start a rainy Monday! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pledge of Allegiance!

While playing catch, Bryn got hit in the "heart" with the ball, which led her to start talking about hearts and where they are located. While Bryn still talked about her hearts (had to correct her that we only have one, not 2!) Ady was prompted to recite the Pledge of I was lucky as she agreed I could video it! :) So, how does playing basketball lead to talking about hearts lead to saying the pledge...all happen in a matter of 2 minutes?? Just a typical moment in my everyday life :D

and Bryn too...