Wednesday, August 29, 2012

First day of Kindergarten

Today was the day that every parent dreads...the day where they think where has the time gone...and watching a level of independence go up at least 3 slots on the scale...oh my!  Well, we made it through and Bryn never skipped a beat.  She was anxious all morning, waiting for her afternoon session to begin...she had fun picking out her outfit, shoes, and hair clip!  Adelyn and I dropped her off at the door of her classroom and she never looked back...too busy seeing who all was in her class and making friends I am sure.  While at school, Ady and I started right away on welcoming her home...we decorated the front door and got some yummy candy at the store.  

Kyle picked her up (which is the ultimate treat!) and we all greeted her as she got home.  She right away told us about the mail she had in her box at school.  Over the evening hours, she emerged to tell us about her friends Gabby, Abby, and she did not play with boys cause girls play with she was chosen to say the pledge of the allegiance over the announcements (she visited the principal's office! haha)...and last but not least, SHE WANTS TO RIDE THE BUS!  So, guess that is on the agenda...taking it one step at a time!