Friday, December 6, 2013

Bryn is "Star of the Week"

And she had a super time filling out her poster to share with her class all about her and her favorite things...I think she did a fantastic job!

Getting ready for Christmas

Last Sunday Sonny the Elf made his appearance back into the Martin Household.  We also made the big excursion to pick out our Christmas tree...and we found the perfect one!


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dad's and Donuts

I wish everyday was Dads and Donuts...Bryn hopped out of bed immediately after her first wake up call! She was ready in 8 minutes flat!  While she waited for her dad to come pick her up, she worried that he would be late and that I should call him...and to make sure he had his wallet...and I should call him....LOL!  She was certainly excited and they will enjoy their time I am sure.  Now...I wonder how many books they will come home with from the book fair?!  

Turkey Disguise

Both girls came home with the same project (I LOVE projects) disguise the turkey so it looks like someone/something else.  So, Bryn made her turkey into a Hula girl and Adelyn made her turkey a snowman.  I think they did a nice job (even though it was mostly mom who completed the project)!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Panther Promises

Adelyn was able to recite the Panther Promises to Mrs. Johnson, the Kindergarten she signed her name for it to be displayed on the wall.  The panther promises include:
Make a Difference

Happy Halloween!

From trick or treating to painting/carving pumpkins, the kids had a blast this halloween.  They even were able to pass out a few pieces of candy from our house when they were finished and boy they thought that was really neat!  They both celebrated with parties at school, and I was asked to help in Adelyn's classroom.  Adelyn and I created a bingo game and rewarded all the winners with prizes (yes, we kept playing until everyone was a winner!)  I signed up to donate the drink for Bryn's party...we made mummy water...spooky but healthy!  What a fun Halloween!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Mystery Bag

It is Adelyn's turn to have the class "Mystery Bag"!  She was beaming from ear to ear when she got off the bus yesterday because it is her turn to find something to put in the bag and write clues for her classmates to use to guess the object.  She was assigned letter F, and I gave her some ideas....she finally picked a flower....see her work below!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Student Spotlight!

Bryn was chose by her peers (each student in the class voted for one boy and one girl, and you could NOT vote for yourself!) for the first student spotlight of the year.  Ady and I went to eat lunch with Bryn and her teacher mentioned the showcase announcement and her picture.  As we were leaving, we were sure to check it out.  It brought tears to my eyes...such nice things were said about her and I was so proud that we have raised such an awesome little girl!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Soccer game pics!

The girls are almost done with their season but are still enjoying their time on the field!  Check out some pics from their games on Saturday!

Break away...go Ady!

High five...we just scored!

I'm faster than both of you...nanannanaaaa

Take it all the way!
I'm serious about defense!

Thinking hard and waiting

I'm going to get can't get around my elbow!

Solid defense!

Dad's and Donuts

It was finally Adelyn's turn to have a special day at school with her dad.  It was so hard for her last year watching her big sister have those special days and she just could not wait for it to be her turn!  She planned her special outfit and I arranged for her date to come to the house to pick her up.  She had a great time and came home with 3 books and a pointer thingy (brilliant idea...have a book fair in conjunction with dad's and donuts!)  She still talks about the donut she ate :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Special days at school!

Last week was a busy week at school!  Adelyn had school pics (boy I hope she smiled as well for them as she did for me!) and Bryn's class was rewarded for their good behavior by voting on a PAJAMA day!  Now (Mr. Martin, I mean Bryn's father) I understand the pajamas may not measure up to dress code standards, but I do not have a lot to work with see, she has Gym class on pajama day, AND it is supposed to be sunny and 86 degrees (which eliminates pants), AND the buses are running their emergency evacuations and students were told no dresses (or nightgowns), so...these pajamas will work just has her mother's stamp of approval! :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Adelyn can tie!

While I realize its not the smartest strategy, I encouraged Adelyn to practice her tying by using a string to "tie up" the iPad...AND IT WORKED!  She worked at it a few times and got the hang of it...and even went to try it on her shoe laces!  She was super proud of herself as was I :) 

Friday, August 30, 2013

here we go!

Well, the practice day was over...and the real day came for Kindergarten.  Her first "full" half day and bus transportation.  She was ready!  She walked to that bus stop like she was on a mission and was hoping that she got to ride a "golden bus" (a brand new one that looks a bit different).  Thankfully, bus #32 came and was the "golden bus" and off she went!  A big smile and a wave good-bye...there goes my last baby to school...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Another big day

Jeez...can I not catch a break!  Another emotional day as I send my baby baby for her 1st day of Kindergarten!  She was excited (she only went from 12:30-2:30) but concerned that children would be mean to her.  I reassured her that she could stand up for herself and she replied with a potential come back "stop being mean to me"...great work, Adelyn!  She asked me what would happen if she got sick, and I told her she would be sent to the nurse's office and they would give me a call and I would be there right away.  On the car ride there, she said "at first I can be a little shy"... I told her that was fine and sometimes it takes a while to warm up and meet new friends.  She was eager to go...and walk me to her classroom (cause she knew EXACTLY where it is at).  

Well, I picked her up and she was peeking down the hall (all while being a helper for the teacher)...waiting to be released and tell us about her day.  First conversation--she went on a tour and saw the NURSE'S OFFICE...oh gosh, what is this obsession, hope she won't be visiting it this year!  She said she loved Kindergarten and cannot wait to go back Thursday (first day with bussing).  Oh Yippie!

Monday, August 26, 2013

A big day for all! was the first day for my first born to go to school ALL day...what a big hurdle for her and I, but for way different reasons.  Last night as we put Bryn to bed, she was quite anxious about getting lost on the west side of the building and remembering that her classroom is on Lady Bug Lane on the east side.  I pulled up a map and tried to explain where her bus would drop her off and where she would go based upon which door she was dropped off at.  This morning she felt better, but still a little nervous.  I reassured her that there would be helpers there making sure she made it to Mrs. Fluty's classroom without any problems.  Besides, we had already taken supplies to her classroom on Friday and she already met her teacher.
Lunch was a big topic for my picky little eater.  She decided on a peanut butter sandwich, watermelon, and cheese-its.  Her daddy and I each wrote her a note as a lunch surprise.  Since lunch is so early (10:50), her teacher wants us to pack a snack for later in the afternoon..and because of my wacky type A mind, I made her a container to keep her snacks in her cubby at school...a variety because you never can plan what she may feel like eating!
Oh, our little girl is growing up so fast.  If I could freeze time in this moment I certainly would...I don't know if or when this is supposed to get easier, but knowing how AMAZING she is gives me confidence she'll do great!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

First soccer games of the season

It was a hot start for this years soccer season, and yes, we will be wishing for sun and warmth towards the end of the October!  The girls did well and had lots of fun playing.  Adelyn's team won and by the second half, she became more aggressive and did well.  Bryn's team tied 2-2 with Bryn scoring her first goal ever!  It was fantastic and she definitely deserved it.  She played well, gave all her effort, and hustled hard...which is all we could ever ask of her.  Walking back to the car she stated "I was sweating so much, it was falling off my eye shells!"
Adelyn taking the ball down the field

Adelyn and teammates waiting to "attack" the other team

It's all you Bryn!

Bryn kicking off

Bryn coming out first...3 other girls eating her dust!