Friday, March 16, 2012

50 Martini Ct

Well, we are excited...and it is official! We are in contract to build and they have staked out our lot! They are going to break ground within the next few weeks, so more pics to follow!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Beautiful weather means PARK time!

Today was a BEAUTIFUL day! The girls and I packed up a lunch and headed to the park to have a picnic. We made an afternoon out of it and even made some new friends! Enjoy the pics I took below:

This last one was Bryn showing me her big muscles :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

What a day!

Today was a big day! We registered Bryn for Kindergarten at Clearcreek Elementary School, here in Springboro. She wanted everyone to go, so we waited for Kyle to get home from school and we all went up together. When we arrived, the lady looked at Ady and said are you ready for Kindergarten? Ady gave her a blank look and we explained that it was Brynleigh who we were registering! :D

Then on the way home, Bryn wiggled and wiggled a tooth that it started, she came home and wiggled it in her mirror until it fell out! So, another tooth gone to fairyland and more money in Bryn's bank! Thank goodness the toothfairy found her at the rental house (cause you know it was one of her concerns!) :)