Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas tree adventures!

Off we traveled to Timbuk Farms, near Granville, for our second annual tradition of cutting down a Christmas tree! We decided again on the canaan fir since that has the strongest scent. As we tromp through the mud, tree stumps, and weeds, we finally found the perfect tree that we ALL could agree upon! After the excursion, we went inside to warm up and Santa and Mrs. Clause was there!!!! Bryn sat on Santa's lap and kept telling him more and more things on her list...Ady sat on Mrs. Clause's lap and said she wanted a "Fresh Beat Band scooter". Now, the kids can't wait to decorate :D

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving feast @ preschool

Waiting patiently with her classmates before dressing up for the big feast!

Look at me...I am a silly pilgrim!

Wait...if I could just find the lady who is refilling the popcorn...looks like Devyn (beside her) is looking for the goldfish refill!!

All done...this was great, but the hat has to go!

Another girl in the fam!

Aubrey Noelle was born on Monday! She was 7 pounds 14 ounces and 21 inches long. We are so excited about her arrival and can't wait to meet her! We had to share some pics from the hospital! :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Jumping in the leaves!

Even though it is chilly...ok, a lot chilly, we couldn't resist giving the kids a little time to jump in the leaves. They loved it!