Sunday, August 30, 2009


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Better buy fruit snack stock!

Well, Ady is finally breaking those last 4 teeth in...the most miserable teeth to date that took their good sweet time coming in. She has a hard time sleeping, is fussy throughout the day, and wants me to hold her (but that doesn't include sitting still). So, lets see, I made lunch today, swept the living room, did laundry, and other miscellaneous chores all while holding Ady on my hip. But, my patience has held strong...even while she marked on my nice white shirt with a pen! The one consistent thing that makes her happy is fruit watch out Kellogg's, her Mommy can't say no when she's in this state! Whatever makes her happy!!

The siding crew left early today...seemed to have run out of siding. Since it was a special order (they don't keep it in stock), it could be another 2 weeks. :(

Oh, I wanted to share with you some pictures we had taken at Erin's wedding on Saturday. She had a photo booth for everyone to use and I downloaded the pictures from online. Bryn really likes our funny face picture!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Here you go...

To all of you who are persistent about bugging for a siding photo you go! As you can tell, it is still a work in progress...but the crew is doing a great job, so no complaints from us.

Well, the summer routine has officially ended as Kyle will start back to school tomorrow. Up and at 'em in the morning (we all know that Kyle can't be quiet when getting ready) I better get some chores done and hit the sack!

I'll update more photos as work progresses.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yippee...siding crew is here...finally

Pound, pound, pound...wait, what were we thinking?

Day 3 of the siding has begun. The back is completely done and looks really nice. The crew is now working on the side...did I mention it is the same wall as Ady's bedroom? Let's hope the afternoon nap goes as well as her morning nap :)

We got news yesterday that Bryn is the next one on the waiting list for a spot at Preschool. We should know by the end of the week if she will be able to attend this year. My feelings are bittersweet about the whole thing since we have made the decision to wait and send her to kindergarten when she is 6. Does she really need 3 years of preschool? But, wouldn't this be a great experience for her!?!

Well...signing off for now, time for lunch! I'll post pictures of the house soon :D